Sunday, 13 March 2016

How to Release Your Fears


Things have been busy this past week.

Very busy.

On Friday afternoon, I marked a set of test papers and then found myself sitting at my computer unable to concentrate on work that needed to be done.

I went to the supermarket to buy some food for the weekend and found myself pushing the trolley around, barely able to focus on what I needed to buy.

I had so many thoughts going round in my head.

How can I become a better teacher for my struggling students?

How can I really help them to understand what I am trying to teach them?

How can stop worrying about what I am doing, about whether I am getting it right or not?

How can I stop worrying about whether I have enough money to buy the groceries in my trolley?

How can I make sure that I provide for my family?

How can ensure that I have more time and enery to give to those I llove?

These are all fears and today's #HappinessChallenge says:

REMINDER: Today’s happiness theme is
about “releasing your fears.” When was the
last time you looked beyond your fears and
did something you thought you couldn’t do?
It can be anything, big or small, it doesn’t

So I have been working on some of my fears around money and lack of time.

I have been listening to John Assaraf's meditations in Winning the Game of Money.

I have been working through the 21 Steps of MOBE's My Top Tier Business.

I have been online for about 8 years, listening, learning, attempting to get my own business working with little success.  I always seem to get to 95% and then stall.

Perhaps I have been afraid of succeeding.

Not this time.

I am determined to make this opportunity work.  And the biggest helping hand this time?

The MOBE team will do all the selling for me once I send traffic to them.

I am still working through these steps, but already I can see the huge advantages in this and cannot wait for the Easter holiday to really move forward.

I am releasing my fears over succeeding online, making a business work for me.

“With each day comes a new chance for you
to unlearn all the fearful things that you have
learned; to replace your fears with love, and
your sorrows with laughter; to let go of
everything that no longer serves you and to
put your faith in love once more.”
~ Luminita D. Saviuc,
15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy

If you would like to join me and release your own fears by having experienced coaches and a supportive team around you, take a look here and let me know what you think!

To a fantastic new week with fears released.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

FOCUS - Part 2

Following on from yesterday's video with Tony Robbins, I am trying to put into practice the art of focus in my own life.

 Image -

We all have so many things going on in our lives that often it is easy to get completely sidetracked or bogged down by the sheer amount of things we have to do.

At the moment I am looking at ways in which I can move forward from my current teaching position.

How can I be properly remunerated for my skills and experience? 

How can I use those skills and experiences to help others, but at the same time bring a better balance to my own life and that of my family?

It is not easy.

There are so many possible options.

I can continue to jump around from one idea or opportunity to another.  I have been guilty of that for some time.  I know that there is something else there for me, but had not really found it until now.

However after a great deal of thought and reflection, of study and undertaking courses, I feel that I am much closer now to where I want to be going.

I still have a lot to learn and do.  So the most important thing to do is to focus on what is in front of me and to follow the instructions of those who have been along the road before me.

Focus is not easy.  There are so many distractions.  Yet it is the best way to move forward into the future we want to have.

As I move along this journey, I look forward to sharing my resources and aha moments, my successes and my failures with you.

Friday, 4 March 2016

The Best Motivational Videos 2016 ► FOCUS ◄ This Will Change Your Life

Tony Robbins has had an effect upon a huge number of people - from huge life-changing to small 'aha' moments.

In this 7-minute video Tony talks about focus and the six human needs - in his own inimitable style!

 "How do you make sure what you do really works?
Model someone who is already successful."
There are so many examples out there that we have to decide which one suits us individually.

Yet there are also universal truths:
" Why reinvent the wheel?  Success leaves clues."
So if we are going to focus on things in our lives we need to make sure that they lead to positive decisions because "decisions shape destiny."

How would your life have changed if you had made different decisions?  What changes can we make now by having a different focus?

Over the past 2 or 3 years my focus has been changing.  That change has begun speeding up more recently and I know that more major changes are happening in my own life.

That is why I shall be modelling someone who is already successful.

What about you?

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Self-love and self-acceptance

Time for Day 3 of Luminita's Happiness Challenge and an issue which can happen for any of us - self-love and self-acceptance.


REMINDER: Today’s happiness theme is “self-love and self-acceptance.”
 It is so easy to forget to love and accept ourselves.

So many young people today struggle with issues.  I believe this is even more the case than it was when I was a teenager. 

Social media and constant celebrity gossip doesn't help our young people to develop into the people they need to become.

It is also so easy as an adult to say something which can easily affect a young person's self-esteem.

Perhaps I unwittingly did that today.  I need to practice self-acceptance with Luminita's exercise.

I am already finding that these short focus sessions are making me think more about my own life and what I am doing each day.

It's not too late to join in!  Let me know if you do.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Release and let go

Day 2 of Luminita's Happiness Challenge is about release and let go.

We frequently hold on to things; ideas, situations and relationships which are doing us no good and we should let go of them.

REMINDER: Today’s happiness theme is “release and let go.”Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? Are you ready to let go?
Following on from my post yesterday about difficult students and being able to forgive myself, I know I also need to take the next step to release my feelings about that behaviour.

Are those students deliberately trying to provoke me to see how far they can push it?

Are they trying to do anything they can to stop them having to do work during the lesson?

Do they want to be seen as the student who has the most power in the classroom?

Are they trying to gain attention at any cost?

(The answer, in some cases, is probably 'yes'.)

And probably the biggest reason?

I teach the bottom sets and students who struggle with maths.

By the time that they are teenagers, many of them will have spent several years believing that they are useless, thick, unable to do maths and so they have learned strategies to cope with with a subject they believe is hard and even beyond them.

I love supporting students who have had difficulties learning a subject.  Most of my work has been in small groups and one to one.

I know that is where my strengths lie.  So teaching in the classroom has not always been easy for me.

Sometimes I berate myself for my inability to help the students in the lesson, or control their behaviour.

But I know I have to release those feelings and let them go. I and they need to be able to move forward, not get stuck in what has happened.

What do you need to let go from your life?

Tuesday, 1 March 2016


Today is Day 1 of the Happiness Challenge.  See my blog post about it here - it's not too late to join!

It starts with forgiveness and is something we all have to face in different ways.

The email from Luminita tells us:
REMINDER: For today, the focus is on forgiveness. When was the
last time you truly, deeply forgave someone? It can be someone in
your past or present, or it can even be yourself.
Ouch!  That last phrase hurt!

How often do we forget to forgive ourselves?

As a teacher I struggle sometimes with forgiving some of the students who seem to delight in making a lesson difficult for you and the other students in the room.

Today, in one of my lessons, I had a student who lies regularly to my direct questions.  I asked him to get out his planner and he told me that he didn't have it.  I asked another adult in the room to check with the student that he didn't have it in his bag.  It appeared that he didn't. 

Yet when I checked later on in the lesson when he told me that he hadn't sprayed his body spray (which was chokingly obvious and he was the only student near his bag!) I found him only half opening his bag and holding his planner out of the way so that it couldn't be seen!

The fact that students lie to me is not new.

Neither is the fact that they are often rather bad at lying.

As a mum and a teacher, I have heard enough lies to know when someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes!

What really upsets me though is the fact that this student can cause regular disruption to the lesson through his lies.  Sometimes I get drawn into a backwards and forwards conversation with him - usually when I am tired or frustrated by his behaviour.

Afterwards I am cross with myself for allowing him to cause disruption yet again.

I find it difficult to forgive myself for that.

Yet I am human too.  I want to do the very best I can for these students.  They have often struggled for a long time, both in school and in the subject.

I become frustrated sometimes that they don't see or accept the help which is offered to them.

Yet I know that if I am consistent, they may realise that they did receive some help and support and one day in the future, they may thank me for it.

I love teaching, though it can be very hard work and frustrating.

Most of all I need to love myself and forgiving myself for my humanity is part of that.

Who should you forgive on this first day of the Happiness Challenge?  Let me know what you think.

Monday, 29 February 2016

5 Ways to Stay on Track With Your Creative Goals

 "Do not underestimate the thrill of trying." ~ Julia Cameron

A few days ago, I got an idea for a book. I sat down at the computer and an outline flew out of me. It felt like this was the book I was born to write. In the process of writing the outline I entered that "flow state" where I felt totally in the creative zone. It was great.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

21-Day Happiness Challenge

Today I had an email from Mindvalley entitled "The Story of the Most Viral Happiness Article on Facebook".

I always open emails from Mindvalley because their content is consistently excellent, but this definitely intrigued me. 

The email told the story of the blogger and writer behind the blog, Luminita Saviuc.

"Over the summer a few years ago, Luminita wrote a blog post on happiness. It was a casual post called "15 Things To Give Up To Be Happy". The post stayed on her blog attracting a few visitors for many months. And nothing much happened as she continued her amateur blogging career while working at Mindvalley as a course designer. 
But then something weird happened.
That post began to touch a nerve. People started sharing it and sending it to their moms, friends, lovers and co-workers. The 15 Things Luminita suggested we give up to be happy - seemed to resonate with a LOT of people.
In a few short weeks the post got shared 1.2 MILLION times on Facebook. Making it quite possibly the most shared personal growth article on social media.
And more than that - she was asked by Penguin books to turn the ideas into a book."
"Now Luminita's book is coming out soon, and she's launching another 21 day challenge. This time on happiness. And open to you. 
She calls it the 21-Day Happiness Challenge."
I have decided to sign up for this challenge.  After all we all deserve to be happy! 
It starts on 1st March (less than 48 hours from now).
Let me know if you have decided to join in too!  

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Why I Was Terrified of Tony Robbins

We all have our fears.  Some are greater than others.

Some of those fears are a mere inconvenience, but others can severely restrict how we function or move forward in everyday life.

So initially the title of this 5-minute video from John Assaraf surprised me.

Until I listened to what he had to say.
In 2000 John was looking at himself as a comparative beginner alongside Tony Robbins who was already an established and successful motivational speaker and coach.

I look at the work done by both Tony Robbins and John Assaraf, from which I have learned so much.  I am currently in that place of being afraid that I am not good enough or able to do what they do.

Yet I know that with dedication, hard work, continual learning and especially knowing how to overcome the tricks that our minds play on us, we can retrain our brains to recognise these fears, reframe and release them and so move forward to take action.

I have been following Neurogym (of which John Assaraf is the Founder and CEO) for several years.  Over the past year or so I have been following the Winning the Game of Money program.

This has opened up my knowledge about brain retraining and is a subject I shall return to frequently.

This video, though, ended with a call to sign up for a encore presentation of his Winning the Game of Fear program.  Although I have been aware of this and followed some of the short videos which accompany the program, I have decided that it is time that I take full action on this.

I have plans to make quite dramatic changes in my life.  It is exciting yet scary at the same time.

However I know that with the right help, education and support I can and will move forward.

I think John's words are giving me another kick in the right direction:

"Fear is one of the silent killers holding most people hostage."

I am not prepared to be held hostage any longer.  I wish to fly!

Have you used any of Neurogym's programs?  Do let me know what you think about them.  I look forward to your comments.

Friday, 26 February 2016

You Can Change - Motivational Video Ft Secret Entourage

Fear is the green light not the red light.  

If you feel fear then you need to do it.

You are in control of what happens.

You can change.  

This week in my teaching I have had some quite difficult classes.

Some of the students have been rude and argumentative.  They have disrupted the lesson so much that they have prevented other students from learning.

The concepts that I have been teaching have not been particularly difficult, yet because of the disruption, it has been difficult to convey them properly, making sure that each student understands them.

At the end of the lesson I have felt discouraged, worn out and yes a little fearful about whether I can manage the behaviour enough to have a lesson where the students really learn.

Do I need to change the whole structure of the lesson, or just some of the elements?

Do I need need to change the way I teach and react less to the behaviour which some of the students probably design to upset me and cause disruption?

The answer is definitely 'yes' within certain parameters.

Am I afraid of that?

Again the answer is 'yes'.  

It means more work and more trial and error with this particular group.  

It will demand more time and effort when I am planning my lessons.

I will need to continue my own professional development, researching, studying and putting into practice strategies and ideas to break the cycle of poor behaviour.

And the further fear?

That the demands of the education system and the inspection regimes are such that I am not supposed to get this wrong.  That each student should seemingly be on an ever upward learning cycle.  That it could affect my appraisal result, my ability to teach.

Yet I feel the fear and so I need to do it.

For the sake of my students and their learning.

For the sake of the education system.

But most of all for my own sake.  

For the knowledge that I have done the very best I can and that at some later stage, some of my students may have cause to thank me for the way in which I helped them through a difficult time.

Life is not easy.

Teaching is not easy.

Learning is not easy.

But we must all feel the fear and do it anyway.

I CAN change.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

How to Make Your Day Meaningful

Time flies. Today will soon be yesterday! So make your today special - a remarkable and unforgettable one. Be happy and make fun! How you can make your 'today' a remarkable and thus, your everyday. Well, here are few ways to do so.
  • Do something new. If you want to spice of your life then bringing variety is the best way to do so. There are millions of things which you can do or see million times but there are only few things which you will do for the first time or may be just once. So, this means that first time experience which you take only once leave a mark on your mind for the rest of your life. So, start doing something new from today onwards and convert this ordinary day into an extraordinary day.

  • Entertainment with Real world experiences.
    What are your great memories? They are just few interesting experiences of your life. So, if you are the one who sits all day in your home working on laptop or watching TV then it is high time that you get out and have some fun in your life. Interactions with the world are itself quite an interesting experience. Enjoy the nature and appreciate the natural beauty. One should learn to enjoy little things in life and take pleasure in watching how life unfolds.

  • Start working on something meaningful.
    Engage yourself with a project which holds a meaning in your life. Or you can even start up something which you always wanted to do but could never do it due to some or the other problem. Life is short; so you better start working on it, start the action today.

  • Challenge your body and mind.
    Take up a new skill and learn it. One should be creative in life no matter how small that is. Push yourself to the farthest limits and enjoy the feeling you get after accomplishing the task.

  • Stick to few things.
    It is not necessary that you need to do everything but whatever you do, give your best shot. Concentrate on few things but best should be given on them. Slow down a bit and pay close attention to the work you are doing in present. Don't' juggle up your life in forgettable tasks rather concentrate on something which really matters. You can even give up your whole day in it and engage yourself fully.

  • Start saying "yes".
    One cannot plan everything in life, few things need to be spontaneous. So, stat saying yes to spontaneous opportunities that come your way. It's a great saying great opportunities knock your door when you least expect them. So be a little spontaneous and say "yes". Be positive.

  • Finish your unfinished business.
    Every human has a lot of pending business on their list, you must be having too. So, make up a list of unfinished projects and start working on them one by one. Think it as the perfect day to finish what you once started.
Life is short. Everyone wants to be succeeded in the life. But what makes a person's life a success is still a big question. Many attributes are related to success that range from physical to mental counts, hard skills to soft skills, hard works, thought-process, dreams, reality, happiness, hardship and what not!

Factors that have an effect on and affect the success in life also vary. In a broader aspect, three things actually determine the ultimate SUCCESS of life:

• Health
• Skills
• Money


Article Source:

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

What It Means To Be Present

Everywhere I turn it seems that people are talking about being present. In magazines, on social media and at yoga classes. I have been assured that being present is a key to happiness and I remember thinking that there must be more to it than that! I thought I understood what being present meant and I also thought that I was already being present in my life.

But after a day of rushing through life and juggling numerous tasks, I realised I was stressed. I was not being present with each task. So I started to practice the art of being present. I would meet up with my family and focus solely on them. I wasn't thinking about a task I needed to get done or where I needed to be next. I sat down with them, turned off the TV and we had a conversation. We asked each other questions, looked each other in the eye, smiled and laughed together. We were all in the room being present with each other and enjoying each others company. We were not distracted by the TV or where we needed to be next.

I started to try this elsewhere. When I was talking to my husband, I was only talking to him. I stopped reading emails or texting at the same time and instead, I listened to him with all of my attention.

I used it with strangers. At my local health food shop, instead of thinking about paying quickly and getting out of the shop onto my next errand, I actually had a conversation with the assistant.

I tried this same experiment over the phone. I was speaking to a call centre assistant and again, I was present. I focused on the task in front of me and put my efforts into the conversation. I wasn't reading another email at the same time.

It all sounds a little too simple doesn't it, but it genuinely works. It is so surprising what happens when you listen with intention and focus on one thing or person at a time. Juggling social media, emails and the internet is actually very stressful and you are not giving the person in front of you the respect they deserve. You also don't seem to save any time by rushing.

Rushing to send the next email or text and doing too many things at once isn't necessary. It is a good thing to slow down and relax. The jobs will still get done. By being present, we will be happier when we are doing our daily tasks and we will be able to enjoy the people in our lives at the same time.

Try it for yourself and see what happens.

Article Source:

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Focus On Your Journey - MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO

I have just watched this video at the end of a long day.  It lasts for less than 4 1/2 minutes and has some stunning footage from The Lion Whisperer  The video is worth watching, just for that.

However the narrative is also inspiring.  It asks who believes in you?

Are you trying to live someone else's life while ignoring your own life and path?

And you should understand this, that it was always going to be your family and your friends that would be the first ones to try and talk you out of your vision and your big idea.

Focus on your intentions and do your thing.

In personal development, we frequently have big dreams.  We know that often they will not be easy to achieve.

We give up.  I know that I have when a project is 95% complete and I look back somethimes with regret.

Yet I cannot do that any longer.

I have to focus on my journey and writing this blog is helping me to do just that.

Do you struggle to focus on your journey?  Do you need to be accountable to other people?

Do let me know what you think.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Back to school

Did you enjoy school?  Did you love learning from your teachers?

Or were (are!) you like so many of my students who really do not want to be there?

Many of my teenaged students struggle with morning lessons - particularly on a Monday after a week's break.  They would far rather be in bed and maybe come into school later in the day.

Or students who are very close to taking their GCSE exams at the age of 16.  Exams upon which our Government place huge emphasis - the students, the teachers and the schools are measured and placed in league tables, based on the results. 

Poor results mean that the schools have more frequent inspections, may be forced to become an Academy and parents may not choose to send their children to the school, due to those results.

What are we teaching our students?  That they have to play the game? 

At the moment I am running revision sesssions with students who are on the borderline of achieving the results that our Government considers to be a 'good' pass.  That is exactly what I am doing - teaching them to play the game of getting the most marks they can from what they know.

I have spent the past week, whilst I have had a holiday from teaching in school, learning, studying, developing my knowledge and abilities.

When I asked my students today who had done any study over the break, only a small handful admitted that they had done so.

Have we squeezed the love out of learning in our education systems?

It is a topic I shall return to often because it is one which I feel passionately about.

Do let me know about your own experiences in school.  Did you love it or hate it.  Do you wish you had paid more attention whilst you were there?  What do you think would improve the ways in which we help young people to gain knowledge and to grow?

I would love to hear from you.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

You Can Learn Anything

As my half term holiday comes to an end, I have spent today preparing lessons for my students. 

Whilst looking for suitable motivation for the bottom set students who make up most of my classes, I came across this video from the Khan Academy.  They provide free education (to anyone!). 

So if you feel like you missed out when you were at school, here is an ideal opportunity to catch up - your own personal development.

I love one of the lines from this video:

"Thankfully we're born to learn."

So as we get ready for a new week, students and teachers in the UK get ready for the second half of the Spring Term, here is an ideal opportunity to open our minds to what lies all around us - the opportunities to learn. 

Let's grasp them with both hands.  Now that really is 'Personal Development'!

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Give away your best content.

It sounds counter-intuitive to give away your best content.

Surely you should be charging for this?

I have heard this many times from a wide variety of people.

I am currently listening to a live Q&A session with John Assaraf on business questions.  He is doing this totally free, answering questions which are being asked by people on the session. 

He is giving so much great information from his vast experience.  It is really useful to listen to and there will be a replay to go back over the information.  So why would you do it?

I go back to my own experiences, particularly as a teacher.  I often go beyond the specific topic I am teaching. 

I know that this is helping my student, but it also helps me too.  I think more about how things link together.  I think about how I can move things forward.  I feel better about myself and importantly my student knows that I care enough about them to give more than the basic information about a particular topic.

Two comments I have just heard from John Assaraf are:

"Whatever you do, make it remarkable so that people remark about it." 

"Get out of convincing people and get into serving people at the highest level possible."

I think this tells us all we need to know.  Be generous and that generosity will be repaid.

If you want to learn from a very generous man then I would say check out the information that John Assaraf shares.  I am learning from him every day!

Let me know what you have learned from John.  Have you just found him from my blog?  Do let me know!

Friday, 19 February 2016

Create Your Life - Motivational Video

 "Your life is a product of your decisions, not your conditions."

How often do we look at our own life and see what we can do to improve it?

Do we just complain about it without doing anything?

Watch this 3-minute video, and let me know what you think.

"Some people take disappointment and let it destroy them, other people take disappointment and let it drive them."

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Where do I start?

There is so much information available to us on wide variety of topics which could be classified under the 'Personal Development' banner.  At times the amount is overwhelming.

I know that because I have become bogged down myself.  Sometimes I have found myself going from site to site, page to page and video to video.

I have seen so many courses, books, webinars and coaching offered at a variety of prices from free to several thousands of dollars.  I could spend every day immersed in all of this.

However, I have seen that some sites offer consistently excellent information in various forms, whilst some leave a great deal to be desired.

My aim with this blog is to help you to find the useful sites and information.

If I have read the ebooks, listened to the webinars, watched the videos and bought the courses, I will let you know honestly what I think about them. 

They will be my own views and I dare say that there will be some people who disagree with me.  That's fine - we are all different and are looking for what works for us as individuals.

By all means agree or disagree with my comments and recommendations, but please do so in a spirit of understanding with a recognition of our uniqueness.

Not everything I discuss or link to will be right for everyone else, but at least it starts us on or journey.  After all

With that in mind a resource I found today was very accurate for me and it would definitely be worth your while spending a few minutes to complete this quiz.

Many people have heard of the Law of Attraction and have tried to make it work for them.  So many people have found that it hasn't worked as they expected, become disillusioned and give up.

This short quiz which is based on work with over 2 million people worldwide will give you results in 60 seconds which you can keep in pdf form and go back to later.  It does lead into a rather lengthy video (although you can just read the copy too) for a product I have not tested.

My results were accurate.  Let me know if yours are too.  I look forward to hearing from you!

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

A Journey in Personal Development

My journey in personal development has lasted for several years already.

It has taken me through highs and lows, wrong turns and straight paths.  It continues ahead of me through each day and in all circumstances.

As a teacher, I am used to preparing information into manageable chunks.  I am continually developing my own professional knowledge and skills.

Yet amongst the busyness of our everyday lives it is far too easy to miss out on learning for ourselves, on developing our own thoughts, experiences and mindset.

A search engine returns about 285 million results for the term 'personal development'!  Where on earth do we start?

My journey so far has taken me through areas such as traditional business professional development, religion and science.  Reading and studying; learning new skills for the world we live in.

Probably one of the most important sources of help has been learning from some of those who have spent a great deal of time studying this huge subject.  People such as John Assaraf at Neurogym, Vishen Lahkiani at Mindvalley, Dr Joe Vitale and Tony Robbins.

Their output is enormous and sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start.

Which course should I follow?  Is it right for me?  Is it the right time?  Is it worth spending my money?

I am writing this blog from my own experience.  I will post articles and videos that I find helpful to me and, I hope, to you as well.

I know that everyone is different and some content may not be right for you - please just scroll by if that is the case.

In particular, I look forward to interacting with other people on the same journey, wherever you are along your own path.

So please introduce yourself below and let me know what you think. I am looking forward to our journey together.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

MINDSHIFT - A Motivational Video

Does real Personal Development begin with a mindshift?  Let me know what you think.

This is my journey towards becoming the person I want to be, learning from the masters of personal development and motivation.

It will follow the ups and downs of life and knowledge gained from those who have studied and lived this journey before me.

Let me know if you are joining me on this journey and we will walk together.

I would love to read your comments below.